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Maker Faire Austin 2007
Rainbow zebra pinata
3922 visits
Mouse hero pinata
3583 visits
Butterfly bike head
3326 visits
Butterfly bike
3420 visits
Tesla coil
3358 visits
Purl drums
3325 visits
Dirty car art
3325 visits
Big kites
3396 visits
Swan bike
3569 visits
Swan bike
3332 visits
Red wing bike
3307 visits
Camera car
3296 visits
Shadow at art car
3383 visits
Dragon car
3239 visits
Rolling thing
3420 visits
Dressed up horse and parrot
3478 visits
3397 visits
Dressed up horse hug
3344 visits
Mentos and diet coke setup
3363 visits
Mentos and Diet Coke
3274 visits
Mentos and Diet Coke
3283 visits
Diet Coke rainbow
3228 visits
Mentos and Diet Coke
3367 visits
Fire show
3285 visits
Fire show
3291 visits
Fire show
3237 visits
Fire show
3321 visits
Fire show
3258 visits
Fire show
3245 visits
Fire show
3379 visits
Fire show
3588 visits