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Buda Wiener Dog Races
Lion's Club
in nearby Buda holds an annual country fair featuring wiener dog races. We went to check out the event and found it fun for people and for the dogs as well.
Wiener dog
4840 visits
Wiener dog hugs
4330 visits
Long dog
4148 visits
Classic coloring
4135 visits
Toothy face
4230 visits
Wiener dog looks at the sky
4259 visits
Wiener dog kiss
4276 visits
Watching the race preparations
4277 visits
Pretty pink collar ruff
4367 visits
Dappled ear
4059 visits
4108 visits
Peanut again, so cute!
4119 visits
Starting gate
4089 visits
Waiting to race
4012 visits
There they go
3955 visits
Good racers
4190 visits
Finish line
3998 visits
Wait, what am I supposed to do now?
3984 visits
3921 visits
Another race
4030 visits
Ready to run
4061 visits
Owners wait at the finish line
4099 visits
There they go
3997 visits
Across the finish line
3974 visits
Wiener dog race
4216 visits
Oscar Mayer wiener mobile
4406 visits