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Around the house
Floor project
We installed laminate wood flooring on the first floor of our house, consisting of three rooms, a hallway, and a large closet. It mushroomed into a much larger project with a lot of floor leveling, new trim, and the addition of an interior door.
How to remove trim
12 photos
(12 pictures)
Getting started
9503 visits
The builder used what?
8244 visits
Water damage in closet
8012 visits
Floor leveling compound
7391 visits
7072 visits
First rows
6985 visits
Undercutting door trim
7063 visits
Closet with new floor
6917 visits
Finished room
7012 visits
Starting on the hallway
6886 visits
Uneven floors again
6853 visits
Removing the subfloor
6808 visits
Planing the joists
6785 visits
6720 visits
Closet under the stairs
7056 visits
Closet finished
7237 visits
Living room carpet removal
6640 visits
Curved step
7263 visits
Fireplace boundary
7171 visits
Leveling the sunken living room
7411 visits
Much leveling
6973 visits
Still leveling
7166 visits
Removing the subfloor
7612 visits
Leveling joists
7819 visits
First rows of dark wood
7714 visits
Attaching vertical planks
7416 visits
Outside corner top view
7114 visits
7008 visits
Stair nose trim
6719 visits
Inside corner
6559 visits
Outside corner
6384 visits
Living room done except trim
6444 visits
Adding an interior door
6282 visits
Making custom trim for inside corner
6303 visits
Texture around door
6345 visits
Finished living room
6489 visits
Finished living room, top view
6597 visits
Finished interior door
6708 visits